What is CUCA?
Fisher House, Cambridge University Catholic Chaplaincy, is funded almost entirely by the Cambridge University Catholic Association (CUCA) from donations by its members and income from investments built up over many years from donations, legacies, and appeals. The Chaplaincy receives no funds from either the University or the Church, apart from a small subvention from the Oxford and Cambridge Catholic Education Board (OCCEB).
CUCA consists of all past and present Catholic members of the University. Its chief responsibilities are:
the provision of a Catholic chapel for the University;
the maintenance of Fisher House, of which it owns the freehold;
the housing of the chaplains; and
the safeguarding of Catholic interests in the University
CUCA's meetings are attended by the Chaplain and his Assistants, and by the Chair(s), Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Fisher Society.
The trustee and manager of CUCA is the Cambridge University Catholic Association CIO (CUCA CIO), whose constitution can be downloaded below. CUCA CIO is a registered charity, Registered Charity Number 1184835.
The 2023 Annual General Meeting of CUCA was held on Sunday 26 November 2023.
How can I help?
In order to maintain the buildings and provide the funding for Fisher House to operate, CUCA needs a steady flow of income. Although CUCA is always extremely grateful for one-off donations, we particularly welcome donations, however small, which are paid on a regular basis by standing order.
If you are a taxpayer, and you wish to make a donation, please also fill in a gift aid form. This allows CUCA to claim an extra 25p off the government for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to you. Higher-rate taxpayers can even claim back some additional tax on their donations.
Please write to the CUCA Treasurer if you would like further information about supporting CUCA through regular giving, single donations or bequests.